Tarot and Crystal Reading
Gain insight into your life and learn the crystal energy that will empower you on your path

Crystals: essential tools on your path
Crystals, those wonderful gifts from the earth, at their core offer a stabilizing grounding point in anything we do, given their connection to the earth itself. Each crystal has its own unique energies that can support you on your path when you take the time to meditate with them and attune to their energies.
The Ophidia Rosa Botanical Tarot
This natural-toned tarot deck makes for a complementary pairing to the earthly energies of crystals with its motifs of flowers, mushrooms, snakes, butterflies and moths. Inspired by the four seasons of natural change, this deck feels like change bursting forth to help you in your personal growth.
This three-card reading uses the Ophidia Rosa tarot deck, an earthy-styled deck full a magick and lending itself to insights into your growth across all areas of your life. Each card will point to the past, present, and future regarding whichever lens you choose for your reading.
Once your three cards have been pulled, you’ll receive an additional card from our Crystal deck, which will help you as you move forward into your future. This additional card will shed additional light on the energies you’ll want to harness to achieve your goals.
You’ll receive a photo of the cards pulled for your reading, and a comprehensive full-page write-up interpreting your cards and the path forward. On top of that, you’re welcome to reach out to me with any questions in follow up! I’m happy to help.

Get your reading started
Choose from the following:
General, open to whatever messages come from the cards
Love life
If you have a particular question, you can include it in your request, but avoid questions that can be answered in a yes/no fashion, and instead ask open-ended questions that can help you understand next steps.
Please allow 24-48 hours from your purchase to receive your reading! And be sure to add our email address (info@wrappedupinjewelry.com) to your contacts to prevent it from going to your spam/junk folder.
I look forward to helping you on your journey!